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Custom Webhooks

ManualCall offers its users the ability to use Webhook’s with their offers. A webhook is an API that is growing in popularity. As more what we do on the web can be described by events, webhooks are becoming even more applicable. Here is how a webhook works:

A webhook is a way for an app to send other applications real-time information. A webhook will deliver data to other applications - in real time - meaning you get the data immediately. An example of a simple webhook is an ‘outgoing webhook’. Outgoing webhooks will send an HTTP POST request to your specified URL.

  • When a buyer is converted on ManualCall - you can send a notification in real-time to your Slack channel with call data.
  • When a buyer is converted on ManualCall - you can send a notification in-realtime to your CRM with call data.
Trackdrive Custom Webhooks example
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